"I have never felt so airworthy during the 21 years that I have owned my plane."
-Hillsboro Aviation customer with ADS-B installation
Why Should I Care?
Have you heard about the new FAA-mandated Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) requirement but are not sure how it will affect you? All aircraft owners and operators flying in controlled airspaces will be required to install ADS-B by January 1, 2020. While five years may seem like ample time to prepare for the ADS-B mandate, the operational and financial benefits of installing early will make you think again.
What Is ADS-B?
ADS-B is a satellite-based surveillance system that uses GPS technology to communicate detailed information to nearby aircraft. ADS-B Out broadcasts an aircraft’s location, airspeed and other data to ground stations which then transmit the data to air traffic control displays and to nearby aircraft equipped to receive the data via ADS-B In. Operators of aircraft with ADS-B can enjoy weather and traffic reports delivered directly to the cockpit without paying for monthly subscriptions.
What Are My Savings?
Still not sure how this affects you? Without ADS-B, a standard weather and traffic system would start at $23,000 with installation. A Garmin GDL88H, which provides ADS-B In and ADS-B Out information, starts at $10,500 with installation. Beat the rush and get the mandated system for less than half the cost of a traditional weather and traffic system while enjoying the same benefits for free.
Located at the Portland-Hillsboro airport (KHIO) since 1980, Hillsboro Aviation is a Bell customer service facility and provides laser wire marked harnesses and corresponding autocad wiring diagrams on every installation.
Contact our service center today for more information.